M-1071F is a 19" 3RU standard rack mounting LCD monitor, with 2 high resolution 7" LCD panels of independent input controlling, 1024xRGBx600, and wide viewing angle, 900:1 contrast. M-1071F integrates wide rage of professional features, including waveform(Y, Cb, Cr, R, G, B), full waveform, vector scope, RGB histogram, red/blue switchable peaking focus assist, 16-ch HDSDI audio meter, time code, false color, blue only, zebra, rotate and flip, internal colorbar and so on. Each LCD of M-1071F accepts 2 HD/SD-SDI, 1 HDMI, 1 Composite video, and has 2 HD/SD-SDI, 1 HDMI loop through output, and HDMI converted to SDI output. M-1071F has a 4-pin XLR 6.5-17V DC power connector for all the 2 LCD panels.
- 7-inch LCD x2, 1024xRGBx600
- 16:9 / 4:3 adjustable
- HD/SD-SDI, HDMI, Composite video
- Build-in HDMI converted to SDI output
- Waveform (Y/Cb/Cr/R/G/B), with full scale
- Vector scope
- R G B Histogram
- Peaking focus assist (red/blue switch)
- Audio meter (SDI 16-ch, HDMI 2-ch)
- SDI time code
- False color, Blue only, Zebra
- TALLY light for each LCD unit
- Underscan / Overscan switch
- Customer editable video TITLE
- Video zoom-in
- Video flip