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Nov. 4, 2020 - IntelliFlex® I/O is an elegant, simple, and scalable solution for automating motorized shades. The I/O system is flexible and expandable to the size and complexity of a project, providing many ways to control and monitor the shades. But the key to this powerful control system is a remarkable device that measures just 3-1/2" long.
The Network Device Connector provides the point of entry for networking IntelliFlex I/O devices. With ports assigned for network in, network out, and devices, the Network Device Connector provides an intuitive way to connect motors, switches, and accessories to the IntelliFlex® I/O network.
It is also the subject of a new video featuring Draper window shades automation specialist Nathan Bowman.
In the video, Bowman points out that the NDC distributes both power and communication between devices for control of applications for easy network management. A Network Device Connector is required for most pieces of the I/O system. It is the key connection point for bringing devices onto the network.
In the video, Bowman also explains:
To learn more about the NDC, click here to watch the video.
By Terry Coffey