CS5490 is part of the CS548x/9x family of high performance analog front end solutions for energy measurement with two (CS5490), three (CS5480) or four (CS5484) 24-bit analog to digital converters.
It provides high-accuracy energy measurement at a very low price, and on-chip energy calculations and fast on-chip calibration speeds product development cycles. Flexibility in current sensors, serial communications and digital outputs ensures that the CS5490 is a fit for any application requiring high-accuracy energy measurement at a very low price.
- Superior analog performance with ultra-low noise level and high SNR
- Energy measurement accuracy of 0.1% over 4000:1 dynamic range
- Current RMS measurement accuracy of 0.1% over 1000:1 dynamic range
- 2 independent 24 bit, 4th order Delta-Sigma modulators for voltage and current measurements
- Configurable digital output for energy pulses, zero crossing or energy direction
- Supports shunt resistor, CT and Rogowski coil current sensors
- Overcurrent, voltage sag and voltage swell detection
- UART serial interface
- Internal register protection via checksum and write-protection
- On-chip voltage reference (25 ppm/°C typ.)
- Single 3.3V power supply
- Low power consumption: < 13mW
- 16-pin SOIC package
- On-chip measurements / calculations:
- Active, reactive and apparent power
- RMS voltage and current
- Power factor and line frequency
- Instantaneous voltage, current and power