Emulation Pro is an advanced and scalable lighting control application. The software is designed to control medium to large lighting installations, for both architectural and live-entertainment situations.
Emulation Pro works in combination with the ART SSC and ART IO as its DMX and IO interfaces, both devices are connected by Ethernet.
The Emulation Pro software is available for download. The licence is included in the ART SSC, i.e. each ARTSSC interface unlocks 2 universes in the Emulation Pro software.
- Pixel Mapper
- Timeline Editor
- Commandline Interface
- Rigger's Remote via Touch OSC
- Compatible with ART SSC and ART IO
- SMPTE and MTC timecodes
- Supports DMX, ART-Net, UDP, OSC and RS-232
- 2 DMX universes per interface (Up to 20 universes, 10 ART SSC Interfaces)