Professional photographers and videographers faced with the demands of capturing fast action in continuous burst mode or recording lengthy Full HD video footage can count on Transcend's 800x CF cards to deliver the speed and capacity necessary to complete your assignment. When back at the studio, 800x CF cards ensure quick and easy transfer of card content to your computer so you can spend more time on photo retouching and video editing. Additionally, the top-tier MLC NAND flash chips inside provide consistent long-life durability and endurance.
Ideal for advanced camcorders and DSLR cameras
Ultra-fast 800x performance
Extra large storage capacity of up to 256GB
Manufactured with brand-name MLC NAND Flash chips
Supports Video Performance Guarantee (VPG-20) specification
Supports high-speed Ultra DMA transfer mode 7
Built-in Error Correcting Code (ECC) to detect and correct transfer errors