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AMX Releases Vision² Streaming Video System with Next-Gen Innovations
Posted on Thursday, November 17, 2011
New Features of IPTV Live and On-Demand Streaming Solution Include Simplified Control and Delivery of Live Streams to Remote Locations
RICHARDSON, Texas – November 17, 2011 – AMX®, the leading provider of solutions that simplify the implementation, maintenance, and use of technology to create effective environments, announced today the immediate availability of its advanced Vision² IPTV system (version 7.2). The innovative video solution includes several new capabilities that enable companies and universities to develop or upgrade video communications initiatives.
IP video has become a core communication tool, but for casual users, operating recording and management software can be complex. The new release of Vision² features a control API that allows digital video to easily be integrated into an AMX control system for user-friendly management with capabilities such as one-touch recording and archiving. And, addressing the increased use of mobile devices, AMX has added a new user interface that allows Vision² content to be viewed on-the-go.
The new MPEG Reflector Appliance function gives organizations the ability to deliver live streaming video to multiple remote locations using a single stream per location. With this capability organizations can provide video access to satellite campuses without overwhelming their corporate Internet connections due to high-bandwidth video.
Additional features include customizable layouts that give organizations the ability to create menus and guides – with custom brands, logos and colors – for Vision² compatible set-top boxes. On top of the new features, Vision² continues to make recording and managing video easy with tools that streamline the user experience, like adding metadata to recorded content to aid in searching for videos.
"Vision² is the ideal, live and on-demand video-streaming solution for any organization," said AMX Chief Technology Officer Robert Noble. "With these new features there is no other turnkey streaming solution that lets novice users as easily initiate, manage and distribute streaming content for company presentations, conferences or training classes."
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