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New Generation of AMX HydraPort Connection System Shipping on Schedule
Posted on Thursday, December 22, 2011
Flush-Mount, Anodized Aluminum Models Give Users Connectivity of Laptops and Portable Devices at Lecterns, Desks or Conference Tables
RICHARDSON, Texas – December 22, 2011 – AMX®, the leading provider of solutions that simplify the implementation, maintenance, and use of technology to create effective environments, today announced the new line of designs in the popular HydraPort® Architectural Connectivity series have begun shipping. Additions to the aesthetically inspired connection system include flush-mounted 6-, 9- and 12-module connection ports. The latest units continue to offer a flexible, technician-free design allowing integrators to easily customize the AV, power and data connection needs, unique to an installation.
Finding a place to connect a portable presentation source such as laptops and mobile devices can be tricky for meeting room attendees or presenters at a lectern. And typically, if a connection is available, it's usually visually unappealing. The stylish, anodized brushed aluminum HydraPort units, available in silver or black, let users quickly connect their devices through a contemporary, unobtrusive enclosure.
"The HydraPort line has been successful because most meeting space connection systems on the market are either lackluster, expensive, or both," said AMX Chief Technology Officer Robert Noble. "The new HydraPort Connection series offers customers the architecturally driven style and adaptable convenience of the successful HydraPort HPX-1600, and at a lower price point."
The fact that the HydraPort is the first connection port system designed by AV experts really shows through in its flexibility. The 6-, 9- and 12-module HydraPorts are completely configurable, allowing installers to easily adjust the modules to the AV, power and data needs of any room. These include HDMI and RGB+Audio as well as a range of other AV module options. Additionally, Ethernet and USB modules are included for data pass-through. A choice of power modules, supporting regulatory standards for a variety of countries, are available as well. HydraPorts sit nearly flush with the mounting surface – even with the lid open, which is ideal for conserving limited table and lectern space. Users can connect and control laptops, projectors, document cameras, DVD players, audio equipment and other support devices. The lid opens in both directions providing a clean, unobtrusive look, and can be closed even with most cables connected.
Also included in this release are new 2-inch and 3/4-inch HydraPort Grommets, a stylish, practical solution for routing cables through any mounting surface.
In addition, AMX is announcing an updated version of the HydraPort Connection Preview (HCP), an easy to use Web application available at The wizard-based program guides users in building their perfect unit using a drag-and-drop interface. Once the unit is configured, a user can easily save and print a complete module and parts list to simplify ordering and installation.
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