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Graybar to Distribute AMX SchoolView
Posted on Wednesday, January 11, 2012
RICHARDSON, Texas – January 11, 2012 – AMX®, the leading provider of solutions that simplify the implementation, maintenance, and use of technology to create effective environments, today announced an agreement with Graybar, a leading electrical, communications and data networking products distributor and provider of related supply chain management and logistics services. Under the terms of the agreement, Graybar will sell AMX SchoolView, the IP-centric, campus-wide solution for schools striving to implement the latest education technology and emergency alert systems.
This includes traditional systems such as bell, clock, PA, HVAC and lighting with cutting-edge digital signage, networked audio-visual, access control and wireless alert pendants. With SchoolView these systems are streamlined and connected on one network to optimize efficiencies and help reduce costs.
"We're thrilled to work with Graybar, a highly regarded distributor in the education market," said AMX Vice President of Education Sales Michael Peveler. "Graybar has a significant business development process focused on education and is fully engaged with the architect, consultant and engineering communities. These professionals – who are charged with designing the most efficient, technology-forward, safe environments for schools – understand the value-proposition of AMX SchoolView. The benefits of SchoolView, with Graybar's knowledge of infrastructure and reputation for selling high-quality solutions, will bring AMX into the early planning or renovation stage at campuses. This will yield increased opportunities for our dealers who wish to participate."
Working with Graybar will help introduce SchoolView at a point where school and campus administrators need it most. "Graybar is pleased to add AMX's SchoolView technology to our portfolio of solutions," said Bob Siegel, Graybar vice president, product management. "It's another way Graybar can work to our customers' advantage by making schools and campuses smarter."
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