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Global Education Alliance Reveals Semifinalists
Posted on Friday, June 8, 2012

Universities Compete for $100,000 for Most Innovative Automation and Control, Collaborative Practices and Connected Campus Installations Sponsored by AMX

RICHARDSON, Texas – June 08, 2012 – AMX®, the leading provider of solutions that simplify the implementation, maintenance, and use of technology to create effective environments, today shared the Global Education Alliance's picks for semifinalists for the AMX Innovation Awards at UBTech 2012. This exclusive awards program is designed to recognize higher-education institutions for their use of technology in improving the campus experience. The awards program selects a winner in each of the following categories:
  • Automation and Control - most innovative use of automation and control systems in learning environments
  • Collaboration Initiatives - most innovative collaboration practices in higher education
  • Connected Campus Award - most innovative Connected Campus installations in higher education
Hundreds of international colleges submitted entries. The entrants were reviewed by a judging panel made up of the University Business Leadership Institute, as well as media and AV industry experts. The following universities were selected as award semifinalists:
  • Berkeley College
  • Southern Methodist University
  • Queensland University of Technology
  • University Of Houston-Downtown
  • Elizabeth City State University
  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • California Baptist University
  • KU Leuven
  • University of Washington School of Dentistry
  • Stanford University School of Medicine
  • The George Washington University
  • Temple University
  • University of Florida
  • Liberty University
  • Oral Roberts University
  • The Illinois College of Optometry
  • University of Ottawa
  • University of Strathclyde
  • Wake Forest University Schools of Business
  • University of Central Oklahoma
  • University of Colorado Boulder
"The excellent work completed by all the universities who entered this year's Innovation Awards deserves special recognition," said Jackie DeLuna, AMX marketing manager, Education. "These universities are answering 21st century challenges in higher education with ground-breaking uses of technology. From connected campuses to multimedia lecture capabilities, distance learning, and environmental sustainability; we were blown away by how many truly creative entries we received - selecting just three finalists will be a challenge."
The winners will be announced June 11, 2012 during the UBTech Conference (formerly EduComm) at the Mirage Hotel in Las Vegas, NV. Award winners will receive a combined total of $100,000 MSRP of AMX equipment.
The winners of the 2011 AMX Innovation Awards at EduComm were:
  • University of Florida, College of Veterinary Medicine, Gainesville, FL. - the New Learning Space Award.
  • Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada - Automation and Control Award.
  • The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey, Pomona, NJ. - Collaboration Initiatives Award.
To learn more about the 2012 AMX Innovation Awards at UBTech, the world-class universities who have deployed AMX solutions, and how AMX solutions are being implemented in higher education, visit You may also visit the AMX booth #201 at UBTech.
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