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“When you are diagnosed with cancer, it completely knocks you down. Now I try to live in the moment and enjoy small things in life,” said Lysianne. Lysianne is one of the three women diagnosed with breast cancer whom Barco invited to a wellness center on the occasion of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. We talked, the ladies got a complete makeover and we captured their story and beauty in a picture painted with light.
Watch the video here.
The get-together was inspiring for Lysianne, as it was for Sabine and Charlotte. “It’s been so long since I didn’t think of my body as a medical object, but as something beautiful. Something I should be proud of. It felt good to share my mammo story,” said Charlotte at the end of the day.
We were truly delighted to give these three women a moment to celebrate life and beauty beyond breast cancer. It’s our way to show we care and are truly committed to women’s health and to spreading hope to women worldwide.
Do you recognize the story of Lysianne, Sabine and/or Charlotte? Would you like to share a message or a story with us or with the women in the video? Tell us your mammo story or express your sympathy with breast cancer patients and their families via social media, with the hashtag #mymammostory.