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Pro AV Catalog


5225 Wiley Post Way
Suite 500
Salt Lake City, UT 84116
United States
Project List
What’s Showing at ISE
Posted on Thursday, January 31, 2013
It’s already the eve of day three. Time flies when you’re having fun! We continue to meet with partners, integrators, dealers and end-users on the show floor and aroundAmsterdam; we’re finding new ways to implement solutions and support end-users with the technologies and applications that really help them succeed.
Video Conferencing
We’re pushing ahead in the video conferencing industry, with the movement toward software-based codecs for flexibility and scalability. Working with our partners on new distribution opportunities and support for the easily-integrated and compatible COLLABORATEsoftware-based systems will future-proof end-users installations.
Pro Audio
Our newest developments in Pro Audio include the Beamforming Microphone Array, Pro-Audio industry’s first professional-grade microphone array with beamforming and adaptive steering technology, and our new Wireless Microphone System – adding four new wireless microphone options and two receiver models to our Pro Audio lineup.
Digital Signage
The release of our on-premise Entry-Level Server (ELS) runs MagicBox WebSuite software applications for digital signage, including content creation and asset management inside a browser for a comprehensive content management experience. And the Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) cloud-based MagicBox WebSuite is also enhanced to either pull or push content and schedule information from the server, supporting workgroup and playlist capabitilies.
Streaming Multimedia
We want to allow end-users the flexibility to deliver the ultimate IP AV experience by streaming high-definition audio and video (multimedia) and control over TCP/IP networks. Combining the audio and video content into a single stream, allows easy networking over existing IP networks for digital signage, enterprise multimedia streaming and home entertainment.
It’s all about creating solutions that serve a fast-moving market – solutions that are reliable, scalable, and compatible, so you can focus on your business. We have one more day at ISE, and hope to meet with many more people – as we all will come home with new ideas and energized to keep moving forward in this exciting industry!