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NewBay Media's Best of Show Awards are evaluated by a panel of engineers
and industry experts, and are selected based on innovation, feature
set, cost efficiency and performance in serving the industry.
Winners receive an award for display and will be featured in Radio
World, the news source for radio owners, managers and engineers. All
nominated products also are featured in the special Best of Show Awards
Program Guide, to be distributed in digital edition form to more than
100,000 readers of Radio World, TV Technology, Digital Video, Video
Edge, Radio magazine, Pro Sound News and Sound & Video Contractor
after the convention.
The ES-71 is one of three Time Code to USB Converters
or "TCUSB" by ESE that offer a simple and quick solution for
synchronizing a computer to existing time code equipment. When a Serial
port or a PCI slot for a Time Code Card is not available or these
solutions are undesirable, an ESE "TCUSB" is the ideal alternative.
The ES-71 converts real time SMPTE/EBU LTC code or ESE Time Code, the ES-56
will convert SMPTE/EBU LTC code or ESE Time Code that can be used for
computer time synchronization or for obtaining LTC data for editing
purposes (when using SMPTE/EBU), and the ES-73
that will convert IRIG A, B, or E Time Code.
"Recognition with an award at the NAB Show from NewBay Media's Broadcast
& Video Group is a strong vote of confidence and admiration from
our leading industry publications," said NewBay Media Broadcast &
Video Group Vice President & Group Publisher Eric Trabb.
For additional information please contact ESE or Monica Trotter / Marketing @ 310-322-2136 or see us on the web at www.ese-web.com