The system makes use of software-controlled filters allowing measurements over a wider dynamic range without interference from adjacent frequencies. The user is also able to change the character of the filters from standard ANSI CLASS III triple tuned filters to filters with sharper skirts (better than CLASS III). These sharper filters allow the user to measure over a larger dynamic range without interference from adjoining frequencies.
RS232 interface
Automatic Sum & Average function to normalize readings and stabilize pink noise
60 active memories
IEC Flat, A, C or User designated curves
A Sum mode to sum and average response curves
A Subtract mode to subtract one memory from another
Scales from ¼dB to 5dB
Multiple plot function
Export file function
Optional expansion features can be added anytime
Computer shown is not included
Portable 30 channel digital 1/3 Octave Analyzer
Uses the power of your compute
IBM compatible
Windows software include
Captures full 85dB window with scales from ¼ to 5dB
Filters exceed ANSI specs
Analyzer Signal Type - Audio
Tester Format - Other
Spec Sheet available - Yes
Current Draw:
0.50 Amps
DC Voltage:
12 Volts
247.65 mm
44.45 mm
200.02 mm
Product Weight:
1.13 kg
Regulatory Compliance:
Microphone Input:
27dB to 125dB SPL
Line input:
-88dBu to +14dBu (.031mV to 3.88V rms)