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(Spiceland, Ind.)– Draper, Inc., has been recognized for the company’s efforts to improve tensioning for motorized projection screens. Draper’s tab-tensioning system improvement was named “Most Innovative Projection Screen” in the 2012 Systems Contractor News InfoComm Installation Product Awards.
Every Draper tab tensioned screen surface (including the tabs) is CNC cut as a single piece, and the tabs are then folded and RF welded. The result is a much stronger tab with no possibility of separation.
“Making a tab tensioned surface in this manner eliminates the puckering that has characterized the edges of tab tensioned screens made by Draper and other manufacturers for years,” according to Draper, Inc. President John Pidgeon in a letter announcing the improvement to Draper dealers. “Prior to making this decision, we cycled a tab tensioned screen made in this manner over 30,000 times with no tab failure.”
With the change comes an upgraded warranty. Draper now warrants all its tab tensioned screens against tab separation for five years from date of manufacture.
For more information, and photos comparing the tensioning systems, visit the Draper company blog at http://blog.draperinc.com.