The MUXIP-10GE is a complete, flexible solution to concurrently demux and remux up to 128x IP inputs across 128x IP outputs. Flexible, supporting multiple inputs types including SPTS, MPTS, and Unicast/Multicast addressing. Controlled by the industry leading VistaLINK® PRO CSM, the MUXIP-10GE offers grooming and re-multiplexing of pre-encoded content in a new single or multi program transport stream ready to be broadcast across DVB-S, DVB-T, DVB-C and IPTV networks. The platform is enabled with Service, Socket, Port and Device level redundancy when paired with VLPRO CSM NMS. The MUXIP-10GE supports advanced stream processing capabilities such as Program and PID remapping, DVB/ATSC table generation and per program bitrate limiting to stop over bitrate inputs from disrupting groomed outputs. When paired with VLPRO CSM NMS, the MUXIP-10GE can also support inband metadata insertion directly into a private PID. Downstream devices can receive this PID and process accordingly. Applications can vary from inband firmware upgrade or data tags.