The 7700ADA7 Analog Distribution Amplifier is a general purpose amplifier for distributing analog signals. The 7700ADA7 features one balanced input with seven outputs. The 7700ADA7 has been designed to distribute a wide range of analog video signals. It can also distribute other pulses and signals that do not exceed 2V p-p. The 7700ADA7 occupies one card slot and can be housed in the 1RU 7801FR frame which holds up to four single or two dual slot modules, the 3RU 7800FR frame which has a 15 slot capacity, the portable 3RU 350FR frame which has a 7 slot capacity, or a standalone enclosure which holds a single module.
- 75 Ohms or high impedance input (jumper selectable)
- High common mode range and common mode rejection ratio (CMRR)
- Gain control
- Jumper selectable AC or DC coupling
- Looping feature with external "T" connector
- Consistent input impedance if card power is lost