The 7702SP4-B50 RF passive splitters provide distribution of RF signals in a 1x4 configuration. The operating frequency range is 40MHz to 2200MHz allowing both 70/140MHz IF and L band signal distribution. Diode protection ensures that no conflicts arise in the event that multiple connections provide DC power. The 7702SP4-B50 occupy one card slot and can be housed in the 1RU 7801FR frame which holds up to four single or two dual slot modules, the 3RU 7800FR frame which has a 15 slot capacity, the portable 3RU 350FR frame which has a 7 slot capacity, or a standalone enclosure which holds a single module.
- Passes 40MHz-2200MHz frequency range RF signals (400MHz-2200MHz with -LNB option)
- Functions as a splitter or combiner
- 7700 series modular form factor for neat/clean system integration
- Completely passive design for high reliability
- Fully hot swappable from front of frame
- LNB option passes DC power to LNB
7702SP 7702SP2-LNB