The SRF3 are compact, high performance, multi-channel, passive splitter/combiner arrays, designed for expansion of RF routing systems and other applications requiring high-density, rackmount splitter packages. The wide pass bandwidth includes the extended L-band range. The SRF series may be used in any L-Band signal distribution system where multiple channels of passive 1x4 splitter/combiners are needed. The module functions as a splitter or combiner depending on the RF connections. The SRF unit can be configured as a splitter by injecting an RF signal to the common port. The outputs will be a reduced amplitude replica of the input signal. Injecting RF signals into the combiner input ports (splitter outputs) results in the summation at the common port with reduced amplitude. The monitor port allows monitoring of the common port without interruption of the signal path.
- Passes all signal modulation formats
- Functions as a high-density passive splitter or combiner
- Completely passive design for high-reliability
- Compact design, may be front or rear rack mounted
- Passes LNB power on all ports except monitor
- Monitor port allows for monitoring of Common port signal without interruption of signal path